Change settings:
If You have change color or rotation You must enable Setup mode, and change key:value.
1. Enter into your body parameters setup:
Long press UP, Settings, System, User profile.
2. Set temporarily your birth year to: 1900, this will enable "setup mode" for Rugged watchface.
3. Enter your height (this is "key"), for example "30" ("background color")
4. Enter your weight (this is "value"), for example "7" ("black")
5. Exit from your profile stupe, go back to RUGGED watchface so it will read and remember this parameter.
Keep entering in setup like in p.1 above and repeat steps 2,3,4 to change next property you need.

When you done: disable setup mode by returning your birthday to you real data, as well as height and weight. PLEASE! Check your body and birth parameters twice, because letting them on wrong values can lead to bad and unreal calculations of your parameters like calories, weight graph, vo2max, pte, and other: many! So pay attention.

COLORS:Keys ("height"):
- 30: background color,
- 31: main color,
- 32: weekday color,
- 33: month day color
Values ("weight"):
- 4: white,
- 5: light gray,
- 6: gray,
- 7: black,
- 8: red,
- 9: dark red,
- 10: orange,
- 11: yellow,
- 12: green,
- 13: dark green,
- 14: cyan,
- 15: blue,
- 16: nice purple
DAY/MONTH FORMAT: Key ("height"): 34
Values ("weight"):
- 4: mmdd
- 5: ddmm
ROTATION: Key ("height"): 35
Values ("weight"):
- 4: left
- 5: right




